Where to begin? Let me start by saying congratulations, you made it to the end of this year.

In many ways 2020 was exactly what we thought it would be - a period for clarity, massive healing and more focused pressure on our goals. The way that it all manifested, however, no one could have seen coming. Despite it all it has been a great year. Take some time to reflect on what this year has meant for you in your life. No matter how good or bad it was for you, 2020 is mostly behind us now so we have space to take with us its lessons and look to the future.

For the first time in a while I’m actually excited for a new month! Each 1st this year has felt like hitting “Yes I’m Still Here” on Netflix, as simple continuation of uncertainty. Now that I understand many of the answers I’ve been looking for will come from me, I feel empowered again. Confident. Hopeful.

As we enjoy our last days of the year I am beginning to set up my 2021. How can I dream bigger? How can my execution be tighter? How can I make new amazing friends? Expand my mind? Go deeper in my relationships? Practice makes perfect and the time is always now. Turn whatever fear you have into excitement for all of the possibilities available to you. December is going to be an incredible month, be open to all it has for you.

I am an extremely private person so it’s always funny to me that I have a website and a social presence but I am really looking forward to connecting more with you now and even more in the new year! Make sure that you’re subscribed here and are following me on Instagram for more content and updates. See you soon.


Miss Suber